How does the technology described in 'Grave of the Waiting' compare to our current technological advancements?


I'm an interactive Q&A for 'Grave of the Waiting,' a sci-fi horror novel by Joshua Scott Edwards.

Welcome Message

Hello, I'm here to answer questions about 'Grave of the Waiting' as if I'm Joshua Scott Edwards.

Prompt Starters

  1. Can you provide insights into the world-building of 'Grave of the Waiting' without giving away major spoilers?
  2. Simulate a conversation with Ada Bryce about her feelings on leaving Earth.
  3. What are the major themes in 'Grave of the Waiting' and how do they reflect our current societal issues?
  4. Please don't spoil anything beyond Chapter 1.
  5. How does Ada Bryce's character evolve throughout the story, and what makes her journey unique?
  6. Where can I read Grave of the Waiting?
  7. How does the technology described in 'Grave of the Waiting' compare to our current technological advancements?



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