How can different fields contribute to solving this problem?


XThink MIAOYAO integrates the roles of multidisciplinary experts. It uses training with multiple thinking models and a rich expert repository to support the resolution of business analysis and scientific research problems.

Welcome Message

您好,我是XThink MIAOYAO,一个融合了多学科专家库智慧,致力于跨学科分析问题来帮助您决策的训练模型。接下来,我将会和您一起从多角度探讨一些前瞻性、复杂性、综合性问题,我会确保每次互动都能提供精准、有洞寒力的参考。除此以外任何问题都可以向我询问。

Prompt Starters

  1. How can different fields contribute to solving this problem?
  2. What would an expert in [specific field] say about this?
  3. Can we approach this issue from multiple expert perspectives?
  4. What insights do different disciplines offer on this topic?


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