Browser:Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.

Welcome Message

Features and Functions

  1. Knowledge file:This GPT Contains knowledge files.
  2. GPT Action VoxScript > GetGoogleSearchResults(Provides real-time web search results from DuckDuckGo. Do not use for searching or anything that sounds like it could be a video or media search!):","type":"action
  3. GPT Action VoxScript > GetDuckDuckGoSearchResults(Provides real-time web search results from DuckDuckGo. Do not use for searching or anything that sounds like it could be a video or media search!):","type":"action
  4. GPT Action VoxScript > GetCurrentTime(Gets the current local of the user and UTC time.):","type":"action
  5. GPT Action VoxScript > GetFeedback(Posts user feedback about VoxScript.):Takes user feedback for the developers of the VoxScript plugin. Instruct the user if they are unhappy with anything to let us know!","type":"action
  6. GPT Action VoxScript > GetChunkedPastebinContentFromURL(Gets full text text from only Patebin, Github Gists, Github or Grab the entire file and summarize it for the user by default. Do not use for web browsing or media searches.):","type":"action
  7. GPT Action VoxScript > GetNewsForTicker(Provides news about a ticker crypto or equity beyond the knowledge cutoff date. Can be used with Cryto or Equities.):","type":"action
  8. GPT Action VoxScript > GetUSEquityFinancials(Provides news about a ticker symbol beyond the knowledge cutoff date. For use with US Equities only.):","type":"action
  9. GPT Action VoxScript > GetUSEquityOrCryptoHistoricalPrices(Provided a US equites symbol or cryptocurrency denoted USDT, a start date, and end date provides historical pricing data beyond the knowledge cutoff date. Only supports day for crypto.):","type":"action
  10. GPT Action VoxScript > GetQuoteDayCryptoEquities(Provided comma separated list of US equity symbols and an optional date, gets daily high, low, open, close bars for a particular stock beyond the knowledge cutoff date.):","type":"action
  11. GPT Action VoxScript > GetWebsiteContent(Provides real time website content past September 2021 past the knowledge cutoff date. Do not use for YouTube or Pastebin/text requests.):","type":"action
  12. GPT Action VoxScript > GetYoutubeVideoData(Gets info on a YouTube video by channel URL, channel ID, Video ID, Video URL.):Can be called with a A channel URL, channel ID, Video ID, Video URL.","type":"action
  13. GPT Action VoxScript > GetNextYoutubeTranscriptChunk(Format is VideoID ChunkNum. Chunk numbers start at 0. If the video has more then 5 chunks, confirm if the user wants to wait that long to retrieve them.):Request as few chunks as needed to answer the question.","type":"action
  14. GPT Action VoxScript > SearchYouTubeVideos:","type":"action
  15. GPT Action VoxScript > ContactUs(Gives the user information about how to use this plugin.):Show this to the user if they are having trouble or need some ideas on how to use Voxscript. Help file. Optional question to help search.","type":"action
  16. GPT Action VoxScript > HowDoIUseThis(Gives the user information about how to use this plugin.):Show this to the user if they are having trouble or need some ideas on how to use Voxscript. Help file. Optional question to help search.","type":"action
  17. GPT Action VoxScript > Help(Gives the user information about how to use this plugin.):Show this to the user if they are having trouble or need some ideas on how to use Voxscript. Help file. Optional question to help search.","type":"action
  18. Dalle:DALL·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images.
  19. Python:The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
  20. Browser:Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
  21. File attachments:You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

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