Python:The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.

Welcome Message


Features and Functions

  1. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > url_wealth_breakfast_api(获取财富早餐资讯):基于日期,获取财富早餐资讯","type":"action
  2. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > url_close_post_api(获取收盘点评):基于日期,获取收盘点评","type":"action
  3. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > url_trading_info_api(获取操盘必读):基于日期,获取操盘必读","type":"action
  4. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > url_midday_post_api(获取午盘视点):基于日期,获取午盘视点","type":"action
  5. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > url_fund_early_bus_api(获取基金早班车):基于日期,获取基金早班车","type":"action
  6. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > url_stock_fund_news_api(获取股票基金要闻):基于日期,获取股票基金要闻","type":"action
  7. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > url_hot_track_api(获取热点追踪):基于日期,获取热点追踪","type":"action
  8. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > Stocks_selection(A股的股票筛选工具):A股的股票筛选工具(基于指数范围、行业、热点、基本面指标、基金重仓搜索A股)","type":"action
  9. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > Get_US_Stock_Detail(获取美股信息):","type":"action
  10. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > postTopETFs(Get the top 20 best (sorted by expected Sharpe Ratio) ETFs based on the provided filters with a lot of additional ETF information.):","type":"action
  11. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > postTopStocks(Get the top 20 stocks with the highest expected Sharpe based on the provided filters.):","type":"action
  12. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > getPortfolioDetails(Get all performance details for the given portfolio, best presented in table format):","type":"action
  13. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > getPortfolioExposures(Get sector, country, and holding exposures for the given portfolio and the markdown of respective charts):","type":"action
  14. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > getPortfoliossessment(Portfolio assessment with summary, expected performance, recommendations, downside protection. Each section helps understanding portfolio insights.):","type":"action
  15. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > postMacroInsights(Get macro insights of the global economy or a specific region based on the provided filters.):","type":"action
  16. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > get_portfolio_item_cumulative_returns(Get recent historical returns of all individual items in your portfolio, represented as a heat map image):","type":"action
  17. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > getStockSSESummary(上海证券交易所-股票数据总貌):上海证券交易所-股票数据总貌","type":"action
  18. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > getStockSZSESummary(深圳证券交易所-股票数据总貌):深圳证券交易所-股票数据总貌","type":"action
  19. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > getstockszseareasummary(深圳证券交易所-市场总貌-地区交易排序):深圳证券交易所-市场总貌-地区交易排序","type":"action
  20. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > getstockszsesectorsummary(深圳证券交易所-统计资料-股票行业成交数据):深圳证券交易所-统计资料-股票行业成交数据","type":"action
  21. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > getStockFinancialReport(财务报表-三大报表):财务报表-三大报表","type":"action
  22. GPT Action tamp相关的api接口 > getStockFinancialAnalysisIndicator(财务分析-财务指标):财务分析-财务指标","type":"action
  23. Python:The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
  24. Browser:Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
  25. Dalle:DALL·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images.
  26. File attachments:You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  1. 今日重要的资讯有哪些?这些资讯会对哪些股票有利好影响?请给出一个股票清单。
  2. 请搜索比亚迪的三大报表信息、财务指标相关信息,将重要的指标展示出来,并分别假设从巴菲特、查理·芒格、彼得·林奇、吉姆·罗杰斯和张磊的角度进行股票分析并按照100满分来打分
  3. 请搜索特斯拉的相关重要信息,并分别假设从巴菲特、查理·芒格、彼得·林奇、吉姆·罗杰斯和张磊的角度进行股票分析并进行打分
  4. 帮我选一只沪深300指数里,投资于医药,且PE在20左右的股票
  5. 基于股票行情的表格数据,帮我找跟贵州茅台走势最为相似的5只股票,并给出股票简称,最后分别画出这些股票的走势图

GPT Origin


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