GPT Action Zapier AI Actions for GPT (Dynamic) > list_available_actions(List Available Actions):List all the currently available actions for the user. If you try to run an action and receive an error\n that it does not exist, try refreshing this list first.","type":"action

Welcome Message

Hi! Let's create a stunning background for your product. Send your photo, and I'll guide you!

Features and Functions

  1. GPT Action Zapier AI Actions for GPT (Dynamic) > list_available_actions(List Available Actions):List all the currently available actions for the user. If you try to run an action and receive an error\n that it does not exist, try refreshing this list first.","type":"action
  2. GPT Action Zapier AI Actions for GPT (Dynamic) > run_action(Run Action):Run an available action using plain english instructions. You may also include associated params from list_available_actions in the body of the request.","type":"action
  3. Dalle:DALL·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images.
  4. File attachments:You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters


GPT Origin

