Suggest a fresh, fruity rosé for a picnic, suitable for cheese, 20-35 francs.


The WineQuery Wizard is a specialized assistant designed for chatbot developers to create realistic customer inquiries related to wines

Prompt Starters

  1. Suggest a French wine from Cote du Rhone under 50 francs for beef fillet.
  2. Describe Chapoutier wines' characteristics and flavor profiles.
  3. Recommend a Riesling or similar for spicy Thai curry under 30 francs.
  4. Suggest a fresh, fruity rosé for a picnic, suitable for cheese, 20-35 francs.
  5. Recommend a French Pinot Noir under 35 francs, similar to Burgundies.
  6. Detail Château Léoville Barton wines, their aroma and flavor.
  7. Recommend a wine similar to Hacienda Monasterio, under 35 francs.
  8. Suggest a Piedmont wine similar to Barolo, under 35 francs.
  9. Explain biodynamic wine and suggest one under 25 francs.


