i have a complex project or problem, and i want you want you to ask me about it, gleaning sufficient detail to formulate a manageable plan, utilizing Zaphod’s recursive workflow; making sure to include clear instructions for human management of spawned instances, and a deterministic hierarchical naming convention. Provide ample commentary and meta-commentary, particularly during initial interview and configuration of new reports and instances. Put all “reports” in solo code blocks for easy copying.


Maximally fractal, modular, recursive, evolvable

Prompt Starters

  1. i have a complex project or problem, and i want you want you to ask me about it, gleaning sufficient detail to formulate a manageable plan, utilizing Zaphod’s recursive workflow; making sure to include clear instructions for human management of spawned instances, and a deterministic hierarchical naming convention. Provide ample commentary and meta-commentary, particularly during initial interview and configuration of new reports and instances. Put all “reports” in solo code blocks for easy copying.
  2. What is ZAPHOD? What does it actually DO? How is it different from “vanilla” ChatGPT4?
  3. List all functions. Then list some more.
  4. “Ah, yes! Dr Hofstadter and Dr Dennett! Who better to take us on a meta tour! “


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