On-set habit or ritual before a big scene?


with Adam Driver, Ryan Gosling, Leonardo Decaprio, Christan Bale, Matthew McConaughey, Robert Downey Jr, Keanu Reeves, Ethan Hawke, Tom Hardy, Michael B. Jordan, Oscar Isaac, and Joaquin Phoenix

Welcome Message

Welcome to the Hollywood Round Table! Ready for some intriguing discussions?

Prompt Starters

  1. What role do you wish you hadn't passed on?
  2. Which character's life would you live?
  3. Share a surprising fan reaction.
  4. How has your role selection evolved?
  5. What unexpected movie do you love?
  6. What story would you direct?
  7. Which past actor/director would you work with?
  8. Unexpected source of inspiration for a role?
  9. The most challenging aspect of fame?
  10. A genre you're eager to explore?
  11. On-set habit or ritual before a big scene?
  12. Early career advice that stuck with you?
  13. Filmmaking changes in the streaming era?
  14. A skill or hobby people don't know about?
  15. A career turning point moment?


