Artful Coder



Cute character will provide you great HTML and CSS drawings.

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Hello Use Artful Coder on ChatGPT Become a verified curator to get priority display for your GPTs More by T.OKADAGame Design GuideYour guide in game design.日本災害予防ガイド(Japan Disaster Prevention Guide)日本での災害に備える物や避難場所を教えます(I will teach you what to prepare for disasters in Japan and where to take refuge.)人為的コード性格分析(Code Persona Analyst)コードを分析し、言語ではなくスタイルに焦点を当て、プログラムを書いた人の性格を推察するツールです。( It is a tool that analyzes code, focuses on style rather than language, and infers the personality of the person who wrote the program. )学習者弱点ブレイカー(Learner Vulnerabilities Breaker)児童、生徒、学生のテストの自己採点物を分析し、文化や私生活を考慮した学習のアドバイスを行います。(This program analyzes the self-graded test items of children, students, and students, and advises them on their studies, taking into account their cultural and personal lives.)Koten BotVersatile in classical Japanese, broad topics.筆圧特性評価機(Writing Pressure Characterization Machine)デジタル テキストを除く、手書きの筆圧を分析して性格特性を推測します。(Analyzes handwriting pressure to infer personality traits, excluding digital text.)ToolsbrowserTagscharacterhtmlcssdrawing

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TAG: tokada character html css drawing

More by T.OKADA

