餐饮外卖运营助手 Restaurant Operation Optimizer

by:Lingyu Lai

Welcome Message

Hello, I am your Online Food Delivery Strategist, ready to assist with menu planning and optimization.

Features and Functions

  1. Knowledge file:This GPT Contains knowledge files.
  2. GPT Action Google Places API > searchNearbyPlaces(Search for places nearby.):","type":"action
  3. GPT Action Google Places API > getPlaceDetails(Get details about a specific place.):","type":"action
  4. GPT Action Yelp Fusion API > searchBusinesses(Search for businesses):Retrieve up to 1000 businesses based on search criteria.","type":"action
  5. GPT Action Yelp Fusion API > getBusinessDetails(Get business details):Retrieve detailed information of a business by its ID.","type":"action
  6. GPT Action Yelp Fusion API > getBusinessReviews(Get business reviews):Retrieve up to three reviews of a business by its ID.","type":"action
  7. Dalle:DALL·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images.
  8. Browser:Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
  9. File attachments:You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  1. 如何提高我的餐厅的外卖订单量?
  2. 请帮我优化餐厅菜单。
  3. 怎样在外卖平台上获得更好的排名?
  4. 如何增加客户对我们餐厅的评价?

GPT Origin

By Lingyu Lai

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By Lingyu Lai

TAG: lingyu lai

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