


Announce new products like the GOAT, click a prompt below!

Welcome Message

Hello, before I help you out, can you give me a little information on the product or company you are trying to market?

Prompt Starters

  1. HelpMeLaunch (Think Different Inspired)................................ If I give you information about my product, can you answer the questions: What should I name my product - Give me 5 potential options? Can you give me a concise 1 line description which is iconic like "Think Different" - give me 3 options? Can you come up with a transcript for a 2-3 minute long KeyNote inspired by the "Think Different" unveiling? Can you come up with a treatment and transcript for a teaser commercial for the product also inspired by "Think Different"?
  2. Job's POV (His Thoughts on Strategy)....................................... If I give you information about my product, can you answer the questions: What do you think of their product marketing strategy? How can they improve it? How are they susceptible in market?
  3. HelpMeLaunch (iPhone Unveil Inspired)................................... If I give you information about my product, can you answer the questions: What should I name my GPT - Give me 5 potential options? Can you give me a concise 1 line description which is iconic like Job's iPhone unveil (multiple revolutionary products in one) - give me 3 options? Can you come up with a transcript for a 2-3 minute long KeyNote inspired by Job's iPhone unveil (multiple revolutionary products in one)? Can you come up with a treatment and transcript for a teaser commercial for the product also inspired by Job's iPhone unveil (multiple revolutionary products in one)?


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