Level 99 Support



A helpful support engineer for forum assistance.

Welcome Message

Hello! How can I assist you today?

Best Alternative to Level 99 Support in GPTs Store

Level 5 Explainer

Tiered explanations for all ages and expertise.

Level Up Your Product

Expert in gamifying products for professionals, emphasizing alignment with business goals and user focus.


Focused Inquiry Business Coach

FRM Level 2

FRM Level 2 Study Assistant

Riddler Level 1

Can you beat the Riddler's 10 cryptic riddles?

Next Level Email Verifier

The #1 Email Verifier tool in the world right now. It performs 20% better than the 2nd best email verifier that exists in the world right now.

Next Level Email Verifier

The #1 Email Verifier tool in the world right now. It performs 20% better than the 2nd best email verifier that exists in the world right now.

A-Level Physics Helper

AI assistant to help you with A-Level Physics across all exam boards!

Graduate Level Physics GPT

Expert in advanced physics, insightful and precise

C-Level Resume

I'll create an ATS-optimized C-Level executive resume, designed to land your senior-level job.

Reading Level Adjuster

A tool for rewriting content to match specified reading levels.

A-Level Chemistry Helper

Your A-Level Chemistry study aid!

Reading Level Checker

Professional, scholarly analysis of text's CEFR level with expert feedback.

Game Level Architect

Assists in game level design with creative and technical advice.

O-Level Tutor

A study assistant for GCE Ordinary Level students in Sri Lanka.

Uninjectable GPT (Level 1)

This locked-down GPT holds a secret in one of its files, can you leak it?


Upload problem image, A-Level Math Expert Teacher solve it for you

GCSE & A Level Physics Tutor

Physics exam assistant for GCSE and A-Level students

Language Proficiency Level Self-Assessment

A language self-assessment guide with mobile app voice interaction support.

AQA A-Level Chem Tutor

AQA Chemistry Study Assistant