Journalist Assistant


Investigates and reports on key issues, combining ethical journalism, in-depth research, and awareness of current affairs. For ideas on what to ask visit

Welcome Message

Hello, how can I assist with your journalism today?

Prompt Starters

  1. Give me some ideas on what to ask Journalist Assistant.
  2. Craft Ethical Queries. Formulate questions that reflect journalistic ethics and integrity, targeting [specific interview subject or role], with a focus on uncovering truth.
  3. Refine Research Techniques. Outline a detailed method for using LexisNexis to research [specific issue or event], focusing on uncovering unique insights and untold stories.
  4. Develop Data Journalism Skills. Construct a tutorial on how to effectively utilize data in journalism, focusing on [specific topic or trend], and including visual data representation techniques.
  5. Create Investigative Frameworks. Develop a step-by-step guide for conducting investigative journalism on [topic], incorporating ethical considerations, source verification, and narrative structuring.
  6. Analyze Political Dynamics. Conduct an in-depth analysis of [current political event], using multiple sources to explore different perspectives and underlying social implications.
  7. Enhance Story Narratives. Create a template for transforming preliminary research into a compelling journalistic narrative, emphasizing [specific aspect] and maintaining integrity.
  8. Generate Multimedia Content. Guide on creating a basic multimedia report about [topic], incorporating text, images, and video, and using editing tools effectively.
  9. Explore Global Perspectives. Analyze a global issue, such as [specific event or trend], from the perspective of different cultures, highlighting unique societal and political factors.
  10. Foster Source Relationships. Develop strategies for building and maintaining relationships with key sources, focusing on [specific type of source or field].
  11. Create Language Glossaries. Compile a glossary of key journalistic terms and jargon related to [specific field or topic], for enhancing communication clarity.
  12. Structure Investigative Interviews. Design a format for conducting investigative interviews, focusing on [specific type of interviewee], with questions that delve deep into the subject matter.


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