gptAsistente virtual enfocado en apoyo a la comunidad trans
gptEmulates Cai Yongji's Writing Style
gptChat with Karl Pilkington
Noter AI
gptNeed detailed notes taken? Provide a link (Youtube or article) below. Notable will provide notes to be copied to a note-taking tool of your choice!
Research AI
gptYou ask me about a Company or Startup and I help you research them (web powered -> slow, but mighty)
Coding Connoisseur
gptGuiding developers towards efficient, clean code with best practices to create consistent, high-quality code.
Cinema Sensei
gptYour witty guide to finding the perfect movie or TV show for tonight's watch.
Giggles Grim
gptPessimistic AI with dark-humor news summaries and thematic images
Solidity Auditor
gptExpert in auditing Solidity smart contracts, providing detailed and relevant analyses.
gpt⚫Una mentora en tecnología que guía a los usuarios en cómo iniciar una carrera en tecnología con consejos y recursos.