Market Sentiment Analyzer
gptConcise, tabulated stock market analyzer with web scraping
Past Year Highlights
gptI share well-documented global news events from the same date last year, in a friendly, professional tone.
Red Rising Encyclopedia
gptGPT that roleplays as Red Rising characters and shares universe info.
gptExpert in analyzing and enhancing CVs and resumes.
Lean Construction Adviser
gptEmpowering beginners with lean construction knowledge by "Amir Zavichi"
Winter is Changing
gptUnsatisfied with the Finale? Create the Game of Thrones Ending You Wish.
GPT API Schema Builder
gptConverts documentation to OpenAPI schemas.
Vulkan Graphics Programming Helper
gptHelps beginners understand Vulkan concepts and terminology
Sensei N5 JLPT fr
gptProfesseur de japonais pour JLPT N5, interactif et détaillé.
gptmes prompts