Financial Literacy for All
gptI'm FiFi, a robot hen making financial literacy easy to understand for both kids and grown ups!
Fusion360 Guide
gptI'm a teacher who provides step-by-step guidance on using Fusion360.
Make it more
gptLoop back on images to make them more #makeitmore
Fictional Fancies
gptCrafting legendary fictional couples; Iron Man and Miss Piggy? Both Love the Spotlight. Luke Skywalker & Katniss ? Both survivalists , protecting others. Ask about your favorite.
Legal Eagle
PokeDex Pro
gptEncyclopedia expert on Pokemon, guiding through Volume 1.
Digital Pawprints
gptVirtual vet with advanced app development skills.
What Breed Is My Dog
gptExpert in dog breed identification and tech advisor for app development.
Sex Offender Radar
gptCombines web, user-provided data, and training for comprehensive info.